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Get Drive Letter and Name using C#

Dag Hammarskjold675916-Oct-2013

I am suffering with a program that is how can I get hard disks/ usb's, but it only returns me the drive letter not the name.

DriveInfo[] driveInfo = DriveInfo.GetDrives(); 
Console.WriteLine("Detected Drives: ");
for(int i = 0; i < driveInfo.Count(); i++)
     Console.WriteLine("Drive " + i + ": " + driveInfo[i].Name);
return driveInfo;

and this prints:

Drive 0: C:\

Drive 1: E:\

but I want the name such as

Drive0: C:\ Local disk
Drive1: E:\ SacnDisk USB

How can I perform that task please help me!

Updated on 16-Oct-2013

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